Low T: What to know about diagnosis and treatment for low Testosterone

Testosterone is the male hormone that's responsible for the development of male features such as facial and body hair, muscle strength, and sexual function. Among other things, normal testosterone levels are promoted by a healthy lifestyle with exercise and great nutrition, as well as by avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs.
While it may seem simple enough, there is another culprit - genetic conditions that cause damage. This results in some men having low testosterone levels, otherwise known as Low T.
Symptoms of Low T
There are a number of symptoms that are indicative of low testosterone levels and these include:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue
- Low sex drive
- Reduction in lean muscle mass
In addition to these, men struggling with Low-T may show signs of irritability and depression. There may be other reasons or conditions linked to these symptoms so it's always best to seek medical advice.
Diagnosis of Low-T
Low testosterone levels normally present as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter. It is important to bear in mind that testosterone levels can vary throughout the day, so it may take more than one test to accurately diagnose the condition.
Doctors generally opt to measure testosterone levels early in the morning since this is when levels are at their highest.
Treating low testosterone
There are various ways in which testosterone replacement therapy is administered. These include the following methods:
- Testosterone patches that are applied to various areas on the body
- Testosterone gels that are applied to the upper back and arms.
- Pellet implants that are done every two months
- Intramuscular injections every 10 to 14 days
While these treatments have shown positive results, it is important to note that there is no one size fits all kind of therapy. However, there are a number of benefits linked to testosterone replacement therapy.
The benefits
Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to have many positive effects and these are highlighted below:
- An increase in muscle strength
- Loss of fat
- Improved mental function
- An improvement in sexual function
- Increased bone density
The treatment has also been effective in avoiding problems of delayed puberty in boys.
Side effects
As with almost every other treatment, there are bound to be side effects. Again, these may affect the patient or not. Some of the most common side effects include the following:
- Acne
- Fluid retention
- Sleep apnea
- Skin irritation in the case of topical applications
- Enlargement of breast
- Difficulty urinating
- Smaller testicles
There is no way to determine whether these side effects will present at all, but it is good to know what you may be faced with. Testosterone replacement therapy is beneficial to sufferers but remember that regular medical visits are an absolute necessity on this journey.
There are men with certain medical conditions that should not take testosterone replacement therapy, and these include those with conditions such as enlarged prostate or congestive heart failure. A medical professional is always your first point of reference.
For more information on Low-T click here or book an appointment online with one of our specialists today!
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